Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Apology...

R recently got suspended because of the way he treated me during class on Tuesday. He wasn't at school yesterday and today is report card pick up so student's don't have to come to school. In the morning we were in the City Year room working when I hear my teammates say "Hey!! Good morning!" I turn around and see R coming up to me. "Good morning, Ms. Serrano, I was wondering if we could talk?" "Hey! Yeah, of course, let's go outside." He sincerely apologized to me this time about his actions, admitting that he was disrespectful and took out his anger on me. "That's not who I am and for that I apologize, you don't deserve that." I greatly appreciated him going out of his way to come find me and apologize in person. he said he's writing apology letters to his teacher, me, and the principal for his actions, but when he heard I was at school that day, he wanted to talk to me in person. I could tell he was genuinely sorry for hurting my feelings and promised to do better. We went back into the City Year room because he also wanted to talk to my team leader and apologize for his actions and for any advice about his situation - because of his suspension, he won't be able to be on the basketball team. We told him that there is only so much we can do, but we would try to talk to whoever we need to talk to in order to help him out. He understood that we couldn't promise anything but he still appreciated that we were willing to try.

R is probably one of the students that I have the best connection with here at Collins and I'm so glad that he trusts me enough to come talk to me and set a plan with me on how we can improve together. I hope I can help him follow through and and inspire him to  do his best and succeed in everything he does...

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